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Detection Tuning is Not the Only Way to Solve Alert Fatigue

Edward Wu
June 18, 2024

Security Operations Centers (SOCs) are struggling with an overwhelming flood of alerts, especially given their limited resources. In recent years, SOCs have been working overtime to reduce alert volumes to match their actual capacity to investigate. This method is called detection tuning.

This article explores detection tuning and how AI can enhance SOC efficiency and threat detection.

Understanding Detection Tuning

Detection tuning involves adjusting and optimizing detection systems to improve their accuracy and effectiveness in identifying potential threats. This process includes:

  • Adjusting Detection Rules: Modifying rules and thresholds to better identify true threats while minimizing false positives.
  • Modifying Alert Thresholds: Setting appropriate thresholds to balance between too many false positives and missing actual threats.
  • Enabling Data Correlation: Integrating data from various sources to provide a comprehensive view of potential threats and suspicious activity.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly updating detection rules based on new threat intelligence and feedback.
  • Detection Rule Validation (DRV): Continuously testing and validating detection rules to maintain accuracy and performance.

The Precision-Recall Trade-Off

Precision measures the accuracy of alerts flagged as threats, while recall measures how many actual threats are detected. Improving one often compromises the other, creating a constant balancing act for SOC teams. Achieving an optimal balance is essential for effective threat detection without overwhelming analysts with false positives or missing genuine threats.

Real-World Example: The PsExec Challenge

Consider PsExec, a legitimate tool for system administrators that attackers frequently exploit. Here’s how detection tuning plays out with PsExec:

  • Option 1: Ignore PsExec activities from known admin accounts to reduce false positives but risk missing attacks with stolen credentials.
  • Option 2: Flag all PsExec activities, catching malicious use but overwhelming the team with alerts.

Hidden Costs of Over-Tuning

Focusing primarily on reducing false positives can leave SOC teams inundated with "less important" security alerts. As cybersecurity expert Caleb Sima highlighted at BSides SF, many breaches could be prevented if teams had the capacity to investigate these alerts. He emphasized the need for SOC teams to view triage as vital to their overall threat detection and response.

His remarks indicate that many security breaches are preventable if low and medium-severity alerts were more diligently examined and addressed. This often-overlooked aspect of SOC operations can lead to significant vulnerabilities, as critical threats might go unnoticed until it is too late.

AI to the Rescue: Enhancing SOC Efficiency

AI-augmented security analysts offer a promising solution for SOC teams facing alert fatigue:

  • Automated Triage: AI handles initial alert investigations and management, filtering out non-critical alerts.
  • In-Depth Analysis: AI dives deeper into each alert, gathering data from existing systems and tools.
  • Comprehensive Reports: Detailed reports with evidence are provided for human analysts to review.

Benefits of AI-Augmented Analysts

  • Increased Precision and Recall: SOC teams can implement new detection methods without fear of overload.
  • Reduced Alert Fatigue: AI processes all alerts, passing only critical ones (2-5%) to human analysts.
  • Enhanced Coverage: Teams can increase sensitivity without creating blind spots.

Transforming Your SOC

AI-augmented analysts enable SOC teams to achieve a balance between precision and recall, reducing manual workload and enhancing security coverage. This technological advancement ensures that SOC teams are better equipped to handle the complexities of modern threat detection and alert management.


Balancing between alert fatigue and missed threats has been a longstanding challenge for SOC teams. AI-augmented analysis provides a way to work smarter, not harder, ensuring that security teams can focus on the most critical threats without being overwhelmed by false positives.

If you’re ready to leverage the power of GenAI to reduce manual alert analysis by 95%, contact us now. If you want to learn more, we encourage you to explore our Demo Gallery to see how the Dropzone AI product works.

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